Irvington Boat & Beach Club
New Member Application
Dues & fees
2024 IBBC Fees
The Irvington Boat & Beach Club does not offer payment options by services such as Venmo or Zelle. However, dues and other payments may be made through the IBBC’s PayPal account; we ask that you add 4.0% of the payment to cover the cost the IBBC incurs for each transaction.
IBBC Members may pay their dues, kayak racking fees and contributions via Credit Card by visiting the Member Section of the IBBC website; go to: https://www.irvingtonboatclub.com/members/
PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD: For example, if you want to send the IBBC a dues payment of $800.00, the “convenience fee” would be $32.00 for a total of $832.00. Enter $832.00 in the Amount field.
Upon completion of the information on the Member Page, you will be directed to our PayPal account to complete the transaction in a secure manner (all major cards are accepted). The chart below will provide you with the most common amounts for dues, kayak racking, etc. plus the CC fee.
We thank you in advance for your payment and look forward to seeing you often at the IBBC!
Initiation fee and yearly dues are payable upon application acceptance.
Please note: Proof of insurance for all boats must be provided to the Treasurer and dues must be paid in full by May 1st in order to keep watercraft on the premises.
There are 2 basic types of memberships at IBBC: Committee members are responsible for completing a minimum of 15 hours per year of sanctioned duties, as designated by the Facilities Chair. In exchange for this contribution, committee members receive a discount on dues. Non-committee members may enjoy every right and privilege of the club but are responsible for paying higher dues.
Committee members may participate in the spring and fall work parties, typically one day on a weekend — rain or shine — each spring and fall, where club members prepare the club for the impending seasons. Alternatively members can fulfill the obligation to contribute by serving on committees, or performing specific tasks (e.g., regularly taking trash out for pickup, completing repairs around the club, etc.)
Dues are charged on a per household basis and all members of a single household are considered joint members.
Irvington Boat Club Code of Conduct
Founded in 1958, The Irvington Boat Club is a private river community of boaters and kayakers that offers direct access to the Hudson River. The values the Irvington Boat Club aspires to promote are sportsmanship and the joy of boating and kayaking in a safe environment with respect for its members and the river itself.
The Code of Conduct has been developed to assist club members to understand the standards of conduct expected of them as members of the Irvington Boat Club. Members and their guests have a duty to promote and support the key principles of the Irvington Boat Club Code of Conduct and to maintain the integrity of the Club.
To support an enjoyable and safe experience for all, members, guests and participants in Irvington Boat Club activities are expected to follow the Irvington Boat Club’s Code of Conduct:
- Show courtesy, respect and cooperation for all participants while using the Irvington Boat club facilities and at all meetings, events and activities.
- Differences of opinion and lively debate are welcome and encouraged; however, personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Refrain from discriminatory or harassing behavior including that based on a person’s cultural heritage, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other personal attributes.
- Sexual harassment, unwanted advances or sexually oriented comments or behavior which makes a member or guest uncomfortable in anyway will not be tolerated.
- Alcohol is permitted, however, frequent or excessive public intoxication and illegal substance use will not be tolerated.
- If a member has reserved the facilities for a private event or celebration, other members shall respect their right to privacy and not invite themselves to the event nor consume any of the party food or beverages. Other members have the right to use the facilities during the private event or celebration.
- Inside of the clubhouse and on the deck, all members and their guests are required to wear shirts or bathing suit cover-ups; outside of the clubhouse (both beach and dock), appropriate bathing attire should be worn that will not be considered offensive.
The Club’s written and agreed upon safety protocols, as periodically updated, will be followed at all times.
- Follow all facility rules and guidelines for use of all shared equipment.
- Ensure all shared and private property is secured at all times.
- Do not borrow or remove other members’ property without their permission.
- Do not cause or allow theft or vandalism to individual or Irvington Boat Club property.
- Any criminal activity either on the Irvington Boat Club premises or with use of Irvington Boat Club property will be grounds for immediate termination of club membership and the Irvington Boat Club Board will be required to contact the local authorities if deemed appropriate.
- All complaints should be directed to the Commodore and will be reviewed by the Irvington Boat Club Board immediately. Any refusal or neglect by a member to comply with the Irvington Boat Club Code of Conduct, or if a member engages in any conduct deemed by the Board to not be in keeping with the IBC Code of Conduct, shall render a member liable for disciplinary action.
- Such Board disciplinary actions can include the following: fines, suspension for a set period of time or permanent termination of membership.
FAQs for new members
How do we get into the clubhouse?
All members receive a key for the 2 gates and Clubhouse.
What are the hours?
The club can be used at any time. However, our lease does not allow anyone to sleep overnight in the clubhouse so please don’t.
How is the kitchen used: may we leave things in the cupboard/refrigerator?
The kitchen is available for use by all members and items can be stored in the refrigerator. However, storage in the refrigerator is temporary.
What are the protocols for using the space for a party?
To use the facility for a party, there is no charge, but you need to sign up on the calendar in our website so we don’t have more than one party going on at a time. Note members not invited to a party are still able to use the club when a party is taking place. However, unless invited these members will not participate in the party. After the party is over, the member giving it must make sure the clubhouse and beach are completely cleaned afterwards.
What fuel is used in the grill and is the user responsible for supplying it?
The grill is propane fired and the user does not need to supply it because the club does.
Is the water safe for swimming?
Yes people swim in the Hudson River. Sometimes, usually after heavy rains, there are spills into the river and the river may become unsafe for swimming and other water sports. However this is rare and usually well publicized. These spill are typically reported in the news, but you can also see the status of water quality testing at RiverKeeper for more information and to sign up for email alerts.
When and how can I access the club kayaks?
The club kayaks are first-come-first-serve basis. We have rarely seen all the club kayaks used at one time. Note that these kayak are for use only around the vicinity of the boat club. If you plan to go out for long trips, we suggest you purchase your own kayak.
Where are the club kayaks located and how are they marked?
The club kayaks are located on the beach rack. There are life vests in the beige bin labeled “Life Vests”. Although there are several different sizes, you may want to bring one that is suitable for you and your guests if possible.
If we sign up, will we get an orientation?
The membership chair will give you an orientation at the time of your tour and or walkthrough. Please email the board at members@irvingtonboatclub.com
Is there a Code of Conduct
Yes there is. Any new member will have to read and sign the Code of Conduct.
Who is in charge of cleaning the club?
The Irvington Boat Club is a co-op club and so members are in charge of making sure that the club house stays clean. Each member is expected to leave the club property in better shape than they found it. Several members are working members who may choose to fulfill their work requirements by focusing on certain aspects of cleaning the house — speak with the house chair.
Does an annual membership start the day I sign up?
No. The membership season starts in the Spring (Memorial Day Weekend) each year with dues owed by April 1st. If you join by mid-season (August 1st), then you will be billed on a prorated basis for that year.
IBBC New Membership Online Application
All membership applications submitted will be reviewed by the I.B.B.C. Board of Officers, at whose discretion membership may be approved or denied. A one-year probation period shall apply to all new members.