How do we get into the clubhouse?
All members receive a key for the 2 gates and Clubhouse.
What are the hours?
The club can be used at any time. However, our lease does not allow anyone to sleep overnight in the clubhouse so please don’t.
How is the kitchen used: may we leave things in the cupboard/refrigerator?
The kitchen is available for use by all members and items can be stored in the refrigerator. However, storage in the refrigerator is temporary.
What are the protocols for using the space for a party?
To use the facility for a party, there is no charge, but you need to sign up on the calendar in our website so we don’t have more than one party going on at a time. Note members not invited to a party are still able to use the club when a party is taking place. However, unless invited these members will not participate in the party. After the party is over, the member giving it must make sure the clubhouse and beach are completely cleaned afterwards.
What fuel is used in the grill and is the user responsible for supplying it?
The grill is propane fired and the user does not need to supply it because the club does.
Is the water safe for swimming?
Yes people swim in the Hudson River. Sometimes, usually after heavy rains, there are spills into the river and the river may become unsafe for swimming and other water sports. However this is rare and usually well publicized. These spill are typically reported in the news, but you can also see the status of water quality testing at RiverKeeper for more information and to sign up for email alerts.
When and how can I access the club kayaks?
We have five club kayaks. The club kayaks are first-come-first-served. We have rarely seen all the club kayaks used at one time. Note that these kayak are for use only around the vicinity of the boat club. If you plan to go out for long trips, we suggest you purchase your own kayak.
Where are the club kayaks located and how are they marked?
The club kayaks are located on the rack below the clubhouse – the East Rack. There are life vests in the shed. Although there are several different sizes, you may want to bring one that is suitable for you and your guests.
If we sign up, will we get an orientation?
The membership chair will give you an orientation at the time of your tour and or walkthrough. Please email the board at
Is there a Code of Conduct
Yes there is. Any new member will have to read and sign the Code of Conduct.
Who is in charge of cleaning the club?
The Irvington Boat Club is a co-op club and so members are in charge of making sure that the club house stays clean. Each member is expected to leave the club property in better shape than they found it. Several members are working members who may choose to fulfill their work requirements by focusing on certain aspects of cleaning the house — speak with the house chair.
Does an annual membership start the day I sign up?
No. The membership season starts in the Spring each year with dues owed by our late April membership meeting. If you join mid-season, then you will be billed on a prorated basis for that year.