Membership Online Payment

The Irvington Boat & Beach Club does not offer payment options by services such as Venmo or Zelle. However, dues and other payments may be made through the IBBC’s PayPal account; we ask that you add 4.0% of the payment to cover the cost the IBBC incurs for each transaction.
IBBC Members may pay their dues, kayak racking fees and contributions via Credit Card by visiting the Member Section of the IBBC website; go to: The password is: Paddleaway (case sensitive).

PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD: To make a credit card payment, please add 4.0% to your payment amount. For example, if you want to send the IBBC a dues payment of $800.00, the “convenience fee” would be $32.00 for a total of $832.00. Enter $832.00 in the Amount field.
Upon completion of the information on the Member Page, you will be directed to our PayPal account to complete the transaction in a secure manner (all major cards are accepted). The chart below will provide you with the most common amounts for dues, kayak racking, etc. plus the CC fee.
We thank you in advance for your payment and look forward to seeing you often at the IBBC!

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